The Saber platform is an electronic system that helps control and monitor markets in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by setting strict procedures for registering products imported into Saudi Arabia, subjecting them to a set of tests and examinations, and reviewing procedures for controlling product quality and safety during manufacturing operations.
Through the Saber system, importers can register the goods imported into the Kingdom, issue a Certificate of Conformity (COC) and a Certificate of Consignment, and carry out all steps electronically with ease and ease. The platform was launched by the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality in the Saudi market as one of the initiatives of the Saudi Program for Product Safety “Salim”.
Advantages of the Saber electronic system:
An electronic platform and system for obtaining a Saber certificate in an easy and convenient manner.
Inventory of all products subject to Saudi and Gulf regulations.
Assisting importers and exporters in improving the quality of their products.
Easy management and follow-up of registered goods and certificates issued.
Linking the Saber electronic platform with the Fasah platform and Saudi customs.
Reducing the time required for customs clearance, which leads to reducing costs and burdens on importers and traders.
Other testimonials related to Saber:
Product conformity certificate
Saudi Quality Mark
Biodegradable plastic certification
SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate
Gulf conformity certificate
Energy efficiency license
SASO COC Certificate of Conformity:
The SASO COC certificate is issued by the conformity assessment bodies accredited by the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality for all goods imported into Saudi Arabia to ensure that these products conform to the Saudi technical specifications and regulations. Saber platform.
Saudi Quality Mark (SQM):
The Saudi Quality Mark is the exclusive property of the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology and Quality (SASO), and it is an optional mark for all products except for products that are subject to the Saudi Quality Mark to indicate that the goods conform to the Saudi standard specifications and are distinguished by an appropriate quality system and that the facility has an effective quality control and assurance system to produce products with the required quality.
Gulf Conformity Mark (G-Mark):
Categories of products for which Gulf technical regulations are issued to verify conformity, including children’s toys and low-voltage electrical appliances
Required Documents:
Safety and magnetic compatibility test reports according to Gulf or international specifications issued by an accredited laboratory.
Product risk assessment report.
User manual and instructions in Arabic.
The data card shows all technical data and information pertaining to the manufacturer.